--== Insurrection Demo ==-- Copyright 1998 Colin Day, Trapezoid Entertainment Table of Contents: ------------------ 1) Introduction 2) System Requirements 3) Game Commands 4) Troubleshooting 5) Contacting Me 6) Legal Stuff 1) INTRODUCTION: Welcome, thank you for downloading the 'Insurrection' demo. This is the first game I have written and was done in Borland C++ with just a hint of assembly from a book. It's been two years in the making ... not because it's a particularly cutting edge piece of software but because I am the only one that worked on it. That's right, the only one ... I did all the design, code, graphics ... everything from scratch. Although I admit, I did not just discover how to write graphics routines all by myself. For those I turned to Andre LaMothe's "Black Art of 3D Game Programming" (ISBN: 1-57469-004-2) and rewrote all his routines to fit my needs. It may not look like the high resolution cutting edge stuff on the market today but hey, it's all from scratch and now I have an excellent understanding of everything that goes into the game making process. As you have already figured out this is just a demo of the game. I plan on releasing a full blown game to go along with this engine and world but I don't know when it will be done. Please send any questions or comments to my web page for this game currently located at http://www.cs.colostate.edu/~day. I want to hear everything, if you really like this demo tell me ... if it's the worst thing you have ever seen let me know, how am I to ever change anything if I don't know about it? 2) SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Operating System: DOS, Windows 95, or Windows NT (Note: Some users have reported that it works great in NT and others have reported that it wouldn't recognize the keyboard. I'm trying to fix this problem but for now I recommend that you use a Windows 95/DOS machine if you have problems running it on NT). Memory: 570K of free conventional RAM Display: 256 color VGA display Sound: Sound is NOT supported (I'm just a college student) 3) GAME COMMANDS: ALT-X : Exit program ARROW KEYS: North, South, West, East movement and cursor control NUMBER PAD: Horizontal, vertical, and diagonal movement and cursor control. U : Use item on either the map, inventory, or combat Note: use a ship to board it, use land to leave a ship G : Get item M : Toggle overhead map display on or off I : Open inventory T : Talk C : Cast a spell on either the map or in combat A : Attack in combat R : Run from combat D : Makes it either day or night ... this won't really be available to you in the final product once I implement the changes from day to night automatically, but I thought you might like to see it ESC : Cancels most stuff CONTROL-S : Save game CONTROL-L : Load game 4) TROUBLESHOOTING: The most common problem is that there is not enough free CONVENTIONAL memory and the program is displaying a lot of "not enough memory" errors. The easiest way to free up conventional memory is to make a boot disk. To make a boot disk: i) Get a blank disk. ii) At the DOS command line (or Windows 95 'Run' option in the Start Menu) type format a: /s iii) The config.sys and autoexec.bat files from the directory you unzipped the demo in to the floppy drive. For example: copy c:\games\insurect\config.sys a: copy c:\games\insurect\autoexec.bat a: iv) Reboot the machine with the disk in the drive 5) CONTACTING ME: If you have any comments, questions, errors, complaints, gripes please let me know: Colin Day E-mail: day@cs.colostate.edu Web: http://www.cs.colostate.edu/~day If that email address or web page does not work go to http://www.webcrawler.com or some other search engine on the web and search for "INSURRECTION". I'll always try to keep my web pages linked to the search engines in this fashion. 6) LEGAL STUFF I don't know why I should put this stuff in here but everyone else seems to do it so I will to. I am not responsable for any damage this program may cause even though I do not see how this program could damage anything (other than your sanity). Using this program is completely at YOUR OWN RISK. There, now that's done with. DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT: You may freely distribute this demo to anyone that wants it anywhere provided that you do not alter the contents of the demo. You may not charge anything for this demo aside from any material and distribution costs. If you do distribute this demo on any web site, CD, or any other means I'd like to know so please write me an email. It's pretty interesting to see how far your files go ya know!